Users Feedbacks/Suggestions

1 Ragini Sinha9931359275Dear All, Greetings. I strongly feel that Department of Personal, Administrative Reforms and Rajbhasha has a much important role to play in increasing the efficiency of Government employee. I am a very new entrant in the Government sector and hence each day is a new experience for me. Before this for 11 years I was working in private sector and hence every reason to compare each day activities within heart.After my joining I came to know from my dear colleagues that for my increment in salary I need to pass departmental exam i.e. Hindi. So I filled the form and started preparing for the same. I was very enthusiastic as after 12th Class first time I was appearing for my national language. But suddenly I started getting the vibes within family and from my friends that I need to pay to pass this exam.. . I was shocked as well as surprised.. I asked with an exclamation that "even if I write it well.... " So answer was yes and some examples were quoted where I was told that even those who were Hindi toppers couldn't pass this exam in first attempt and unless the amount was paid...... So there was an indirect pressure from the family that I should follow the same trend as the matter was related to my increment in salary... Still opposing all the negative forces around me I decided to stand with my ethics that I cant buy promotion or hike in salary by selling my educational ethics. I ignored every gossips , prepared for the exam and with God grace I passed it in first attempt with70 percent marks. After seeing my result I was at cloud nine not because I have passed but I was having the answers for all those who tried giving me wrong impression of everything...Thanks to my strong determination which has stopped me from doing unethical things .......... After this incidence I feel this department should keep doing good work and also promote the messages that there is no replacement for hard work and sincerity. I immediately called each of my family members and friends to change their views about Government...there is a positive change every where and each one of us need to put best for our nation..... I feel that Department should take more initiative in organizing literary events at regular interval like essay writing, extempore, quiz,best slogans/thoughts, new innovative ideas to Government. This will help in creating a healthy competitive environment and spirit to keep up the good work with strong desire and determination. Regards Ragini Sinha Jai Hind !!  19 Jun 2017
2 RP SHAHI9431114345Pl stop Urban Development Ministry and its Secretary from filling up water bodies and Parks of Ranchi. Save water bodies as per central ground water regulations or Supreme courts order. They are violating all legal norms. 23 May 2017
3 kaushal kumar9470525056जाति, आवासीय ,आय मे होल्ड का ओप्सन नही रहना चाहिए I इससे पैरवी वाले का पहला काम होता है  29 Apr 2017
4 Rajib Kumar Tah8986872838There should be a well compiled and indexed Personnel Manual for Jharkhand Government employees where all Personnel related circulars and notifications can be put at one place The indexation can be on suitable heads like Promotion Policy, Transfer Policy, Retirement settlement, Employment on Compassionate ground, Travelling Allowance rules etc etc. It should get updated from time-to-time as and when new circulars/ notifications are issued.  12 Mar 2017
5 Akhilesh Vajpayee9431185529Nicely designed and well contended site. Perhaps best among other states. My suggestions are please add older Resolutions & Circulars of the department . It will be helpful to all. 26 Oct 2016
6 VEENA DEVIveena8veenaga@gmail.comBJP GOVT has done good Governance for giving individual online certificate , as- caste cert., income cert. etc. But, likewise, it is extremely necessary to do Birth certificate and Death certificate  14 Jul 2016
7 बिमल कुमार मिश्राbimalmishra507@gmail.comयह वेबसाइट राज्य कर्मियों के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा है परन्तु employee registration में व्यवधान है । 08 Apr 2016
8 अनुराधा सहाय anura.sahay@gmail.comकन्टेन्ट मैनेजमेंट अच्छा है ... पूर्व निर्गत दस्तावेजों को भी अपलोड करें. 09 Dec 2015
9 Harish Kumarpintucivil1993@gmail.comOBC प्रमाण पत्र बनाने के लिए आय,जाति और स्थानीय तीनो प्रमाण पत्र की मूल प्रति माँगा जाता है इसके बाद ब्लाक में प्रक्रिया होती है फिर अनुमंडल में इसके बाद मान्य होता है इसमें काफी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है और चुकी OBC , आय प्रमाण पत्र(क्रीमी लेयर के बाध्यता के कारण) पर आधारित होता है इसकी मान्यता 6 माह ही होती है। इस प्रोसेस से 6 माह बाद फिर से वही प्रक्रिया प्रखंड स्तर से अपनाना पड़ता है और सिर्फ आय प्रमाण पत्र के कारण..... अतः मेरा सरकार को सुझाव है कि एक बार OBC प्रमाण पत्र बन जाने के बाद 6 माह बाद फिर केवल current (नया) आय प्रमाण पत्र पुराने वाले OBC प्रमाण पत्र (SDO ऑफिस से निर्गत) के साथ अनुमंडल कार्यालय में जमा करने पर नया OBC प्रमाण पत्र निर्गत किया जाय । क्योकि लोगों का जाति/स्थानीय यथावत रहता है सिर्फ आय बदलता है। इससे लोगों का समय बचेगा और ऑफिस में अनावशयक दबाव भी कम होगा । 02 Sep 2015
10 आलोक कुमार झalok@bauranchi.orgमहोदय, मैं राजभाषा विभाग द्वारा आयोजित किये जाने वाले हिंदी परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होना चाहता हूँ. कृपया मुझे अगली परीक्षा की तिथि तथा प्रक्रिया की जानकारी देने की कृपा करें. आपका विश्वाशी आलोक कुमार झा कंप्यूटर सहायक बिरसा कृषि विस्वविद्यालय रांची  19 Feb 2015
11 दिनेश्वर कुमार वर्मा dverma471@gmail.comयह वेबसाइट राज्य सरकार के कर्मियों के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा है .  10 Feb 2015
12 रविन्द्र कुमार ravindra.nic.ranchi@gmail.comयह वेबसाइट कर्मियों तथा कार्यालय के लिए बहुत ही अहम तथा लाभदायक है. 22 Jan 2015
13 अभिनव चौधरीयह वेबसाइट काफी अच्छा तथा परस्पर संवादक है.  22 Jan 2015
14 Ranjeet Kumar Mehta मैंने दिनाक 15.1.2017 को आयोजित राजभाषा परीक्षा पास किया. मेरा रोल न. 953 सचिवालय केंद्र है. मैंने यह परीक्षा तीसरे प्रयास में पास की. इसके लिए मैंने कोई पैसे खर्च नहीं किये .Rajbhasha Examination